[Ideia] Novos Trabalhos

Você gostou dos trabalhos?

  • Sim

    Votos: 99 93,4%
  • Não

    Votos: 7 6,6%

  • Total de eleitores
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acho q nao tem nenhum erro nao! heh

Aqui, faço o outro em 5 minutos!:D

EDIT:Tem sim cara, falta a descrição do trabalho!:S


The restaurants are crowded and need to increase the number of employees. Maybe you'll get good money doing this job.


Toughness: Well, it is not everyone that stays day by day in front of a stove, subject to burns and cuts.
Stamina: It's essential for work, because after all, it's needes a lot of patience to cook every day.
Fine Motor Skill: Required for not cutting off your finger while cooking.
Leadership: Needed to command the cooks and assistants.
Appearance: Is used to "intimidate" your assistants, making them respect you in the kitchen.


♦ You get burned with the hot oil. You lost X health points.
♦ You cutted your finger with the knife. You lost X health points.
♦ You felled boiling water on hand. You lost X health points.

Other Informations:

♦ The product gained is the spatula and the pan. (Purchase Price: $ 28 | Sale Price: $ 14) - (Purchase Price $ 22 | Sale Price $ 11)
♦ The money you get from this job is minimal, with 0 points work.
♦ The image of the job, for those who don't understanded, it's a cook's hat.
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considerações importantes champs,

1° - assaltar banco x2 taticas? ta de brincadeira né?
2° - pra que tanta tolerancia? facilitar vida de full jobs?
3° - parabens pela criatividade, não aprovo nenhum trabalho mas aprovo seu esforço e força de vontade, porque ficou muito bem apresentado as ideas

acho bacana novos trabalhos, mas deveriam vir atrelados a habilidades pouco utilizadas para ser tornarem trabalhos "interessantes" de se ter aberto, e não algo que qualquer player abra, ou seja comodo de abrir.

repetindo, parabens pela iniciativa, mas infelizmente não cabe a nós, jogadores, tentar "equilibrar e balancear" trabalhos, portanto, não se preocupe em definir dificuldade e valores de recompensa, no maximo trabalho, descrição, produto e habilidades envolvidas


Parabens Pelo topico muiito bom.
Mais ainda fico com a mesma opinião
de abaixar os pontos de trabalhos do assaltar bancos
mesmo que o level maximo vá para 120 a ñ ser que
as habilidades e atributos na proxima versão vem 2 atributo e 5 habilidades pra dividir



Seria bom colocar o trabalho de:

Pra fazer roupas ou custurar ^^
E pra achar roupas legais...

Tem outro tbm...

Para fazer armas e conserta-la ^^
E pra achar armas legais...

Eu tbm pensei e um assim:

Para fazer romances...
No west tinha bastante escritores de livros...

Bem so sao minhas ideias ^^



Seria bom colocar o trabalho de:

Pra fazer roupas ou custurar ^^
E pra achar roupas legais...

Tem outro tbm...

Para fazer armas e conserta-la ^^
E pra achar armas legais...

Eu tbm pensei e um assim:

Para fazer romances...
No west tinha bastante escritores de livros...

Bem so sao minhas ideias ^^

Ferreiro você quis dizer não é?:D

E mais... Escritor nem ia rolar, não faz o tipo do TW...


Assim que a montagems estiver pronta, é so dizer que posto no Beta.



Seria bom colocar o trabalho de:

Pra fazer roupas ou custurar ^^
E pra achar roupas legais...

Tem outro tbm...

Para fazer armas e conserta-la ^^
E pra achar armas legais...

Eu tbm pensei e um assim:

Para fazer romances...
No west tinha bastante escritores de livros...

Bem so sao minhas ideias ^^
Seria Bacana o armeiro , porexemplo eu poderia ter uma ferrugenta eu poderia levar pra ele com um preço justo ele arrumaria e assim a arma poderia ficar como de precisão oque vcs acham?


Seria Bacana o armeiro , porexemplo eu poderia ter uma ferrugenta eu poderia levar pra ele com um preço justo ele arrumaria e assim a arma poderia ficar como de precisão oque vcs acham?



O ferreiro
é uma pessoa que cria objetos de ferro ou aço por "forjar" o metal, ou seja, através da utilização de ferramentas como fole, bigorna ..

Pessoa que fabrica, ajusta, repara e monta espingardas e outras armas de calibre pequeno. Fabricante de armas; Indivíduo que conserva armas ..


só sei q nada sei :p
Draggg, me passa o outro job, pra eu traduzir D:
Editado por um moderador:


Agora é o último arthur...
Proteger a Fronteira!


The government is struggling to patrol the frontier. Help them to protect it from smugglers.


Stamina: Needed every day to stay on top of a horse.
Horse Riding: Needed a lot to walk through the walls.
Shooting: If there is some kind of attack to the frontier.
Tactics: In this work, everything has to be prepared at the minimal details, so you will need tactics.
Appearance: To intimidate immigrants who try to pass the border illegally.


♦ Immigrants beat you after being barred. You lost X health points.
♦ An immigrant hit you with a stone. You lost X health points.
♦ You spent many days without sleeping. You lost X health points.

Other Informations:

♦ The image of the work, for who that do not understand, is a wall with barbed wire.
♦ Product gain is contraband, seized immigrants. (Purchase Price: $ 110 | Sale Price: $ 55)
♦ The value of money earned with this job is minimal, with 0 work points.


Da uma olhada pra ver se faltou traduzir alguma coisa...


Valeu DragMaster por traduzir!


depois posto os outros, preguiça D:

Idea and images made by arturmg of Forum The West Brazil. (Original Topic)



Toughness: Well, it is not everyone that stays day by day in front of a stove, subject to burns and cuts.
Stamina: It's essential for work, because after all, it's needes a lot of patience to cook every day.
Fine Motor Skill: Required for not cutting off your finger while cooking.
Leadership: Needed to command the cooks and assistants.
Appearance: Is used to "intimidate" your assistants, making them respect you in the kitchen.


♦ You get burned with the hot oil. You lost X health points.
♦ You cutted your finger with the knife. You lost X health points.
♦ You felled boiling water on hand. You lost X health points.

Other Informations:

♦ The product gained is the spatula and the pan. (Purchase Price: $ 28 | Sale Price: $ 14) - (Purchase Price $ 22 | Sale Price $ 11)
♦ The money you get from this job is minimal, with 0 points work.
♦ The image of the job, for those who don't understanded, it's a cook's hat.



Stamina: Needed every day to stay on top of a horse.
Horse Riding: Needed a lot to walk through the walls.
Shooting: If there is some kind of attack to the frontier.
Tactics: In this work, everything has to be prepared at the minimal details, so you will need tactics.
Appearance: To intimidate immigrants who try to pass the border illegally.


♦ Immigrants beat you after being barred. You lost X health points.
♦ An immigrant hit you with a stone. You lost X health points.
♦ You spent many days without sleeping. You lost X health points.

Other Informations:

♦ The image of the work, for who that do not understand, is a wall with barbed wire.
♦ Product gain is contraband, seized immigrants. (Purchase Price: $ 110 | Sale Price: $ 55)
♦ The value of money earned with this job is minimal, with 0 work points.



Stamina: If someone gives a little money and tolerate to don't tune.
Toughness: To spend several hours singing, playing under a hot sun.
Fine Motor Skills 2x: Needed a lot to play, right?!
Appearance: Well, every musician needs to have presence, and of course look good.


♦ Your rope broked and strucked you in the eye. You lost X health points.
♦ You sang a lot and got a sore throat. You lost X health points.
♦ Cutted your finger while singing. You lost X health points.
♦ Do not presented very well. The crowd throws you tomatoes. You lost X health points.



Reflex: Used for stop a customer that responds to theft.
Shooting: Essential for possible confrontations.
Tactics 2x: Everything has to be planned in minimal details, 'cause one single mistake can result in your arrestment or even your death.
Appearance: Intimidating employees and clients, you avoid a backlash.


♦ A client tried to take your weapon and knocked on your head. You lost X health points.
♦ A client reacted to the rob. You lost X health points.
♦ An official hit you in the head. You lost X health points.
♦ The security guard shot you. You lost X health points.

Other Informations:

♦ The product is the bag of money, the same work Robbing Trains. (Purchase Price: $ 2000 | Sale Price: $ 1,000)
♦ The money you get from thw job is the minimal, can greatly increase depending on your work points.
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Tu pôs duas vezes Robbing Banks e esqueceu do Protect the Fronteer...
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